News 2022 - 2023

Autumn Term 2022

Our Year 6 pupils have been leading lunchtime clubs for younger pupils this term. These opportunities have included chess, athletics, football, basketball, art and cricket.


Year 3 pupils had the opportunity to apply to be a Christmas Post Worker in our school Post Office this December. What a lot of Christmas cards will need sorting and delivering to the correct classes.


Mrs Walklett have invited lots of guests to ‘Tea With Me’ this term. Over a cup of tea and a piece (or two!) of cake, we have discussed what is good about our school, what children think about behaviour, whether they feel safe and what we have in place to keep them safe, how teachers help them learn and give feedback…and many more important topics.



Eco Council have been busy. They have already organised a litter pick around the school grounds – and an Eco Council competition for children to draw, paint of photograph a beautiful view or a historic building in our local area.


Children in Need day on 18th November was an opportunity to come to school in non-uniform and to wear spots. We also sold Pudsey activity booklets to support our fundraising.


On their WWII day, Year 5 pupils came to school dressed as refugees. They took part in lots of activities to help them to understand what it would have been like to be a child in those times. We were delighted to have a visit form the amazing Professor McGinty who used artefacts, drama and lots of humour to enhance the curriculum and support the pupils’ learning.


Our Year 5 pupils had a fantastic time on their residential visit to Laches Wood in November. The children challenged themselves to take opportunities to try new skills and overcome fears – as well as time spent having fun with their friends.


Nursery created a beautiful Remembrance Garden for Remembrance Day on 11th November. We held special assemblies and observed the two-minute silence with respect, as we reflected on the sacrifices made in war and conflicts around the world.


In November, we have held our KS2 impact workshops sessions for parents to come and work alongside their child. These have been extremely well attended and have been a useful opportunity for parents to see how teachers teach the curriculum – particularly in maths.


Over the term, Year 6 pupils have been working with Ms Heer and students from Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School on a ceramics project.


The first half term whizzed by. We ended the half term with our Parents’ Evenings and a book fair to raise funds to buy more books for school. Thank you to all of the parents who supported this event.


In October, we held our Harvest assemblies. This year, our appeal was for the local Elim Church Foodbank. Thank you very much to all families who contributed to this. Our Reception pupils’ parents and carers joined us for the Infant assembly. All of the pupils took part in year group harvest songs and we enjoyed some of our favourites altogether, too. We were delighted that Rev Beccy Allen, from St Columba’s Church, was able to join us and give a talk as part of our Harvest.


Thank you to Mrs High and her team of helpers for organising this years’ Macmillan Coffee Morning at the end of September.  We raised an incredible £502.81.


We were delighted to hear that all 56 Speech pupils who took their LAMDA examinations in the summer term passed with a merit or distinction! What an incredible achievement.


There was a sad start to the autumn term as HM Queen Elizabeth II died on 8th September. We marked her death with a special assembly to give thanks for her life and 70 years of unwavering duty and service to our country. We also enjoyed reflecting on our happy Platinum Jubilee memories from our whole school street party and parade in June.


Mrs Walklett welcomed us back to a new school year with a whole school assembly. We reflected on our September value: feeling proud.  We are so proud to belong to New Oscott primary School and set ourselves high expectations of behaviour and our learning.


Spring 2022

We ended the busy Spring Term with our wonderful Nursery Easter Hat Parades, NOSPA discos and the NOSPA Easter Egg Hunt.


In the last week of term, School Council organised a wonderful cake sale to raise fund for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, raising over £400!


At the end of March, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their residential visit to the Pioneer Centre at Cleobury Mortimer. They all demonstrated our New Oscott values, challenging themselves to try new experiences and take up all the opportunities the visit offered them, including climbing, abseiling, caving, high ropes, ‘leap of faith’ inflatables and the campfire. Well done everyone – and thank you to the staff who gave so freely of their time to accompany them.

Following the last two years of restrictions, it is wonderful to see our pupils going out on school trips again to enrich our curriculum. Year 3 enjoyed their visit to Birmingham’s Botanical Gardens to support their work in Geography and Science.


Well done to our excellent Guitar Ensemble who performed at Birmingham University’s Elgin Hall at the beginning of April. It is always wonderful to see our pupils taking up opportunities offered – and what a fantastic opportunity this was to perform on such a prestigious stage.

The sporting calendar has been a busy one this term with in-school competitions - and Sutton Coldfield Schools’ events, too.

Our school Cross Country, Panathlon, gymnastics and football teams have been busy competing against other schools, and our swimming team enjoyed taking part in the highly competitive Sutton Coldfield Schools Swimming Gala. A massive well done to everyone who has represented our school this term!


All of our junior pupils took part in our inter-house fun run in March, demonstrating great resilience, determination and co-operation (3 of our school values).


Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 all enjoyed their visits from the hilarious Professor McGinty who reinforced, enriched and extended their learning in History in his highly charismatic and engaging style. Year 6 have been studying Ancient Greece, Year 5 World War II - and Year 2 have been learning about Pompeii. It was great to see pupils and staff dressed up for these enrichment days, too.

Nursery also enjoyed dressing up as animals when the ‘Animal Man’ visited Nursery and Year 2 with a range of animals to support their learning in Science. The children were very brave to handle animals such as the tarantula and a corn snake.



In January we re-launched our Golden Table after a two year absence due to the Covid restrictions. Our Lunchtime Supervisors choose some children each week who they have spotted using lovely manners. They reward them with an invitation to sit on our ‘Golden Table’, complete with gold table cloth and flowers! Well done to everyone who has received a Golden Table invitation this term.


Early in Spring Term, our amazing Eco Council organised a Book Swap. It was so successful, pupils have asked Eco Council to organise another one in the summer term!


World Book Day was a resounding success. All of our children and staff looked amazing dressed as their favourite book characters. We also enjoyed learning activities linked to books during the day.




Mental Health and well-being are very important for our children and staff. In February, we had our Mental Health Week. Children learned about how to keep healthy and how to help their mental health. Activities included a Spa Day in Reception, learning about healthy eating, yoga and relaxation techniques and mental health assemblies.

Year 1 made the most of our local resources when they walked over to Sutton Park. They have been learning about land use in our local environment as part of their work in Geography this term. Here they are enjoying the park and woodlands.


Reception thoroughly enjoyed learning about and celebrating Chinese New Year. They tasted different foods, dressed up as animals in the zodiac and even performed a dragon dance.


At the end of January, Eco Council organised our RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch. We observed many different bird species in our wonderful school grounds - including blackbirds, pigeons, sparrows and pied wagtails.


Our term started with a visit by our local MP, Mr Andrew Mitchell. Mr Mitchell enjoyed a tour of our school and visited classrooms to see pupils hard at work. He also talked to pupils about his role and answered their many questions.

Autumn 2021

We are really enjoying our learning across the curriculum. Year 3 are studying the Stone Age in their History lessons. They have also recreated some Stone Age wall art in their Art lessons.


Year 1 enjoyed some of their Maths learning outside!

In November, our Eco-Council had their first meeting for the school year. The children had lots of brilliant ideas about how we help the environment at New Oscott Primary School. Their ideas include a book swap, a whole school environment day, a poster design competition, solar panels on the school roof and an electric car charging point. After our meeting, we did a litter pick around the school grounds.

Great news that inter-school competitions are taking place again. In October, our Cross Country team took part in their first race for this season. We have also entered teams in dodgeball, panathalon and indoor athletics competitions. Here is our Year 6 Indoor Athletics team.


We thoroughly enjoyed our Harvest Festival Assemblies in October. Rev. Beccy Allen visited from St Columba’s Church at Banners Gate and talked to us about Harvest and being thankful. It was wonderful to invite Reception parents to this assembly. We also had a Harvest Appeal to support the Elim Church, Kingstanding Foodbank. Thank you to all the families who gave so generously and donated items.


Our Year 5 pupils had an AMAZING time on their residential visit to Laches Wood in October. They thoroughly embraced the outward bounds challenges and took part in a wide range of activities including abseiling, climbing, mountain biking, survival skills and campfire!

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Thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning this term. We raised over £620! It was really lovely to welcome our school community back into school.


Congratulations to the 56 pupils who took and passed their LAMDA examinations in the summer. In September, we received their results and every single pupil passed with distinction! An amazing achievement!


We were all so excited to start the new school year on 6th September. We enjoyed playing with our friends and getting to know our new teachers. Mrs Walklett and Mrs Budden led Welcome Back assemblies. We talked about the challenges and opportunities we are looking forward to and set high expectations for our learning and behaviour.



News 2020-21

Despite the Covid-19 restrictions in place, we had a busy and exciting Autumn Term 2020.

Special events included our Harvest Festival appeal and assemblies. This year we supported our local Foodbank with donations of food which our children brought into school. We had Year Group assemblies to say thank you for our food and for everyone who contributes to ensuring we have food in our shops and in our homes each day.


In October, we celebrated Black History month through stories, history and assemblies about significant people of Black heritage, and their contributions to science, technology, sport, the Arts and many other areas of life and world history.


In November, we dressed in spots and raised money for Children in Need.


We also enjoyed Lego workshops which enabled us to use and develop our technology skills. We had great fun, too!


Eco-Council ran an ‘Upcycling’ competition. We had some fantastic prizes and it was very difficult to choose the winners!


Our Remembrance assemblies in November were very moving. We also contributed art work and poems to a wonderful Remembrance display at Wylde Green train station.


Father Christmas visited New Oscott- but this year he had to stay outside school and wave to us through the windows. He still left us presents, though, to put under our Christmas trees!

During Spring Term, we faced another Lockdown and most children worked at home during this time, with live and online lessons delivered by their teachers. Through our ‘Keeping in Touch’ letters, we had weekly challenges, many of them linked to the outdoors and Nature – such as making seed balls and bird tables.


We also had weekly assemblies on themes which supported mental health and well-being.

We also enjoyed special days such as the Year 6 Ancient Greek Day…

and World Book Day!

Key-worker children dressed up and took part in activities in school whilst those at home joined in via live lessons and planned fun activities.

During the summer term, we had some fantastic homework projects brought into school which supported our learning at school and home.


Oscar, in Year 2, donated some saplings via the Woodland Trust and Year 2 pupils were kept busy planting these in our school grounds.


Eco-Council also organised some lunchtime litter picks to ensure our school grounds are kept tidy and litter-free.


School Council enjoyed outdoor ‘Tea with Me’ with Mrs Walklett. We talked about what is good about our school, what would make it even better, whether we feel safe at school, our learning within the curriculum and through extra-curricular opportunities – all whilst enjoying pieces of cake and cups of tea and squash!


We also enjoyed wearing our football kits and England colours to support our football team in the Euro 2020 Football competition. Sadly, we didn’t win but we all really enjoyed getting behind the England team and took part in fun football and sport related activities in school.

In the final days of term, when some restrictions were lifted, we were very grateful to our Year 6 pupils who organised and led some excellent lunchtime sports and art clubs.

What an excellent year! We are all looking forward to 2021-22! 

Spring Term 2020

Our Spring Term got off to an exciting start for our Junior Choir which took part again this year in the Young Voices Concert at the Genting Arena in Birmingham – alongside another 6000 pupils from across the Midlands. The children had a fabulous time and sang their hearts out!



Miss Reardon (Head of Creative Arts) and Mrs Gale (Head of Humanities) ran a History in Art Competition. Pupils were asked to create a portrait of a famous of significant figure in history. The standard of entries was outstanding. Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to everyone who took part. Winners were presented with their prizes in our Special Certificate Assembly at the end of the first half term.


During February, we took part in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch, organised by our Eco-Council. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful school grounds and were delighted to discover how many different species of birds visit our trees and fields.


Mrs Walklett has continued to invite pupils to ‘Tea With Me’ on a Friday afternoon – a lovely opportunity for a piece of cake and a cup of tea (or squash) and a chat about our school: What is good about our school?; What would make it even better?; Do pupils feel safe? What do they think about behaviour and learning?


Autumn Term 2020

What an exciting new school year for New Oscott Primary School! In September, we welcomed our new Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Budden, and all our new Reception and Nursery pupils.

Our Macmillan Coffee Morning on 27th September was a perfect way to welcome all our new parents to our New Oscott family – and we raised £419.14 at the same time!


We also received the exciting news that we have been awarded the Science Quality Mark which recognises excellent teaching and learning in Science.


At the end of the month we had a special ‘Summer Reading Challenge’ presentation assembly for the 140 pupils who completed the Birmingham Libraries’ Summer Reading Challenge over the summer holiday. Children had to read and review 6 books to receive the award, and were presented with a certificate, medal and £5.00 book token by local librarian, Helen Sharp.

At the beginning of October, we held our Times Tables Rocks Stars Launch Day. Everyone dressed up as rock stars – including the staff – and we enjoyed maths and times tables activities throughout the day. Special congratulations to Umar (Year 5) and Lexie (Year 6) who managed to beat Phase 3 Assistant Head Teacher, Mr Hamilton in the Times Tables Championship during our launch assembly.

All of our pupils from Year 2 upwards are working really hard and having lots of fun learning and practising their times tables using Time Tables Rock Stars and Mathletics online schemes.



Our Harvest Assemblies in October were led by Rev Skelton from Elim Church. All year groups also preformed items as part of our Harvest presentations and we were delighted that Reception families were able to join us. Our appeal this year was for food items to support our local Food Bank to help members of our local community. Following our Harvest Appeal, we now have an on-going Foodbank Appeal to help our local community.

In November, Eco-Council ran an ‘Upcycling’ Competition. Lots of pupils took part and we had some really creative and imaginative entries ranging from bug hotels and bird feeders to a working bag made of egg boxes.

School Council also organised our Saturday morning
Groundforce Morning to tidy the school grounds and carry out some winter planting. Lots of families came along to help and really improved our school grounds with some beautiful colour.


Year 5 pupils thoroughly enjoyed their residential visit to Laches Wood, near Wolverhampton. They took part in many outdoor activities including abseiling and high ropes, shelter building and assault courses.


Our Children in Need Fundraising Appeal raised over £950. We had a cake sale and made and sold a special ‘Children in Need’ magazine in school. Families were very generous in their support for this worthwhile cause.

Throughout the Autumn Term we held ‘Impact’ sessions – workshops where parents came into school to work alongside their children. Teachers demonstrated different methods and approaches e.g. in Maths. Parents and pupils completed learning tasks in school – and as follow up homework tasks.


School History

Monday 5th June 2017 was the 50th birthday of New Oscott Primary School in Markham Road Sutton School.

The school opened with 3 classes and 116 pupils on Monday 5th June 1967. Today, as New Oscott Primary School we have 684 pupils!

We had great fun at our 50th birthday celebrations. Pupils and staff came to school dressed in different outfits for the different decades from 1967 to the present day and took part in special assemblies and a celebration picnic to mark the important milestone in the school’s history.




Everyone in school  also undertook a sponsored ’50 Challenge’ – 50 of ‘something’ which was a personal challenge. Head Teacher, Alison Walklett, walked 50 miles of the Cotswold Way and Deputy Head Teacher, Karl Holmes ran 50 km (including the Edinburgh Marathon).

Other challenges included pupil Toby Newman who has taken up bee-keeping and produced 50 jars of honey; Abbie Guy who collected 50 letters containing birthday wishes to our school from around the UK (including members of the Royal Family) and 50 from different countries around the world. In addition, Maia Hussey and her mum contacted 50 sewing groups around the country who sent embroidered squares which Maia then sewed into a wonderful panel for the back of the piano. The squares include the name of the town/area from where they were sent and include York, Jersey, Canvey Island and Edinburgh.

The celebrations continued as our ‘Big Sleuth Bear’ was revealed for the first time. Our bear, Oscar, is decorated with the children’s designs inspired by the 1960s – the decade when our school first opened - and is now displayed in the main reception area at school.

Archives: Spring Term 2017

What a busy and exciting Spring Term 2017 at New Oscott Primary School!

During the term we took part in a number of charity fundraising events, including Pinky Purple Day to raise funds for the Rotary Association’s campaign to eradicate Polio, as well as Comic Relief and an ASC Coffee Morning during National Autism Week.

These raised over £1200 – a great achievement!


Years 5 and 6 both enjoyed their residential visits, Year 5 at Laches Wood Centre and Year 6 at
Pioneer Centre near Cleobury Mortimer. All the pupils participated with great enthusiasm and       
behaviour was excellent. Pupils took part in various activities including high ropes, abseiling,
canoeing and assault courses. Lots of individual challenges and great support for each other.

In addition, Year 5 visited Warwick Castle, Reception made class bears at Build-A-Bear in Solihull and Nursery had a trip to the Snowdome and we had ever-popular visits from Professor McGinty who always brings History to life in a humorous way.

Parents have enjoyed a number of class assemblies this term and there was a particular treat for our Nursery parents who were invited to join us for the Easter Hat parade.


We continue to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities including music and speech tuition; computer games programming club, cross country, football, netball, cricket, sports ambassadors’ training, elite sports training, choir, art and craft, recorder club, French, Spanish and tennis. Some of these are run by external providers; however, a high number are also run by staff or run by Year 6 pupils at lunchtimes and supervised by staff.

Aston Villa coaches continue to run training for Years 3 to 6 after school on Thursdays and Years 1 & 2 on Wednesdays. In the summer term we will be working with Warwickshire cricket coaching. In March, Aspire coaches led Balanceability sessions for Reception and Year 1 which proved very popular.


Impact sessions for Reception (Maths), Year 1 (maths) and Years 2 (writing) were held last half
term and at all of these attendance was excellent. We also held a Year 6 SATs information             
meeting at the start of February (and re-run a few weeks later) and Year 2 at the start of March.
A meeting for Year 5 parents prior to the Sex and Relationships programme of lessons will be held at the start of the summer term.


NOSPA (our Parents’ Association) continues to work hard to support fundraising and provide additional resources for school. The new initiative ‘Ssssh Room’ was very successful; NOSPA also organised an Easter Egg and Easter discos. NOSPA members are currently busy planning our Summer Fun Day which this year will be held on Friday 7th July at 6.00 p.m.


We had a very positive mid-point Quality Mark review in January which recognised excellent practice throughout the school.

“high quality provision is observed consistently across all year groups and classes. During my learning walk there was clear evidence of high quality classroom practice with children engaged and enthusiastic in their learning.”

“The school works hard to involve parents and carers in their child’s learning journey and to feel part of the school family. There is a strong feeling of community and everyone is valued and has a contribution to make to enable all children to make progress and achieve their potential. I was able to watch a regular parent workshop in action – the strong relationships between home and school reflects in the workshops being very well attended.”

Year 6 pupils are working hard to achieve their Rotary Award. This year, we have 60 pupils taking part. 35 of these undertook St John’s Ambulance First Aid training (6 hours in total) to achieve a First Aid qualification. Well done to everyone involved!

At the beginning of March, we all thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book charactersfor World Book Day. Year 5 had a Hogwarts day – including the sorting hat ceremony at the start of the day.

In January 57 pupils and a number of staff took part in the Young Voices concert at the Genting
Arena in Birmingham with 6000 other pupils from around the Midlands and beyond.
What an experience!



In addition to all the above, we have held our inter-house fun run for all 360 pupils in Juniors; participated in Sutton Coldfield Schools’ swimming gala, cross country races, netball, football, multi skills and basketball competitions; taken part in; ’The Big Pedal’ in which children were encouraged to cycle of scoot to school for two weeks; held e-safety day and hosted a visit by 30 PGCE students from Birmingham University who came to observe teaching in Phonics and writing throughout the Infants and Nursery!

Such a busy term!



Autumn Term 2016

It has been a very busy Autumn first half term at New Oscott Primary School. We are delighted with all our new Reception and Nursery pupils who started this September. All our pupils settled back into school really well and made an excellent start to the new school year. At our whole school assembly on the first day, we discussed our September value: ‘feeling proud. We were all every proud of our Olympic and Paralympic athletes – and very proud of our school, too. Mrs Walklett and Mr Holmes invited everyone to set themselves a ‘proud to be me’ challenge and talked about our high expectations of work, presentation and behaviour.

Thank you to all parents who attended the Year Group Information meeting over the first week and a half. This was a good opportunity to meet staff and ear about the curriculum and expectations for the year group, as well as find out how parents can support with their children’s learning. (If you were unable to attend, please find the slides on the Year Group pages on our website).

Year 3 pupils enjoyed their swimming lessons at Wyndley swimming baths throughout the first half term – and all our extra-curricular clubs and activities are well underway. This term we have Speech, instrument tuition, French, Spanish, multi skills, netball, football, karate, tennis, elite sport, cross country and choir – as well as all our lunchtime PSE groups.


On 4th October we welcomed Rev Skelton to our Harvest Assemblies.
This year, we chose to support a project to raise funds for the building of a well at an orphanage in Tanzania. Our families gave generously, raising £909.97.



School Council also organised our non-uniform day on 23rd September. We all came to school wearing bronze, silver and gold to celebrate the Paralympics and raise money for ‘British Blind Sport. Well done to School Council for raising £507.90’.



Finally, our MacMillan coffee morning on 30th September received tremendous support from our parents and staff. We raised £415!



At the end of September we held our Phonics Impact sessions for all Reception parents. This was an opportunity for parents to come into school to work alongside their child and find out how we teach Phonics at New Oscott Primary School. Thank you to all parents and carers who attended these sessions – support was excellent.

At our Summer Reading Challenge presentation assembly on Thursday 6th October we presented certificates, medals and book tokens to 128 pupils who read at least 6 books and written book reviews over the summer to complete the challenge. Boldmere Head Librarian, Helen Sharp, joined us to help with the presentation which was attended by all the children’s parents. Well done everyone!

Our newspaper team worked hard to create our new Oscott News for the first half term. The ‘New Oscott News’ is on sale now for 20p a copy.

All classes held elections to choose this year’s School Councillors. Well done to everyone who was elected. Mrs Walklett invited the whole School Council for ‘Tea With Me’ – a cup of tea and piece of cake and a chat about our school – ‘what’s good about our school?’, ‘what would make it even better?’, ‘Do you feel safe?’, ‘what do you think about behaviour at our school?’ Some of their responses are displayed in the main entrance to our school.
Please have a look when you are visiting.

On 11th October we had a Learning Review. Head and Deputy Head Teachers from 3 local primary schools led a review of teaching and learning in Maths in our school. They observed lessons, carried out book scrutinies, met with pupils and interviewed senior leaders in school. At the end of the day, the team fed back to staff, Chair of Governors and our SEN Governor. The report was highly positive and there was much to celebrate – as well as some ideas for further development in school. The report included the following points:

  • Effective use of the marking policy, alongside high expectations of all pupils, ensure exceptional standards of presentation across both key stages including PP and SEN support children.
  • Creative timetabling and established communication systems ensure teaching assistants are highly effective in supporting children’s learning - taking into account their different starting points.
  • Children demonstrate outstanding learning behaviours. They are enthusiastic about their learning and are able to articulate their learning journey both orally and through their writing.

The full report is available in the main entrance to our school.

What a busy and exciting start to the new school year!

Our Open Day sessions for prospective Reception parents will be held on Tuesday 8th November at 9.15 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.

Please contact Mrs Callaghan, Admissions Secretary, for more information on 0121 675 3658.




Summer Term 2016

What a busy and exciting summer term at New Oscott Primary School!


Many year groups enjoyed trips to support and enhance their learning. Year 6 visited London and spent the morning in the Houses of Parliament, learning about democracy and watching debates in action. In the afternoon, they enjoyed a river trip along the Thames followed by a visit to the Natural History Museum. 



Other visits include Reception’s trip to Stratford-Upon Avon (including a trip on the river);
Year 2 to Twycross Zoo to support their learning about different animals; Year 4 to
Dudley Castle to learn about crime and punishment and Nursery’s visit to Umberslade Farm.



We were extremely proud of all 53 pupils who took LAMDA speech examinations in May. In July we received their result – every pupil had passed with a merit or distinction! What an amazing achievement. Well done, everyone!

Year 2 pupils staged a wonderful ‘Move on Up’ Concert at the end of the summer term, suitably titled ‘The Wizard of NOS’. This was followed the following day by our Year 6’s Leavers’ Concert. Well done to all pupils involved in these excellent and entertaining performances.


Congratulations to all 50 pupils who successfully completed the Year 6 Rotary Community Award.  The pupils were represented with their certificates and medals in a presentation ceremony at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall in July. This award, similar in design to the Duke of Edinburgh Award includes elements of community service, skill development and learning about different aspects of our community including democracy, different faiths and celebrations.


Unfortunately, the weather was against us and despite several attempts we were unable to have an Infant Sports Day this year. However, our Junior and Nursery Sports Days were a big success. Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to all the parents who came along to support. The overall winning house was Ash. A huge thank you to our Sports Leaders who helped to organise the events and were great ambassadors for sport and for our school.

We were very proud of our Year 2 and Year 6 pupils who worked so hard for their SATs assessments. We were delighted that our results were above national for ‘Age-related’ in all subjects. Well done, everyone!

Our School newspaper team worked extremely hard to create, publish and sell copies of our school newspaper, New Oscott News. The issue included interviews with Mrs Walklett, Mr Wood and Miss McKiernan. Our editorial team is made up of pupils from Years 2 to 6, supported by Miss Coleman. We are already looking forward to our Autumn Term issue!

Our Junior choir performed with the Staffordshire Band at Streetly Academy in July. This was a wonderful summer concert; the standard of singing was extremely high and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

It was very exciting to welcome Olympic athlete, Non Stanford (Triathlete) and

Paralympic athlete, Dean Miller, to spend the day with us in school in the summer term. They were such an inspiration and we were all very excited to cheer them on in Rio.


What an amazing day we had in June to celebrate HRH Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday.
We all dressed in red, white and blue and enjoyed a Royal picnic on long trestle tables in the playground. Every pup and member of staff was present to enjoy the picnic and sing the National Anthem. The afternoon ended with a procession around the field in the sunshine. A day to remember!



In our final assembly of the year we congratulated all 135 pupils with 100% attendance, including Katie in Year 6 who did not miss a single day during her whole time at New Oscott Primary school from Reception to Year 6. Mr Holmes congratulated everyone on the 4000 Mathletics certificates awarded over the year and Mrs Walklett set a challenge to all pupils to try and beat the record 144 pupils who achieved last year’s Summer Reading Challenge at our local libraries.

Finally, we said goodbye to our amazing Year 6 pupils and wished them every success and happiness in their new secondary schools. Thank you everyone for all you brought to our school. We will miss you!



News 2022 - 2023

Autumn Term 2022

Our Year 6 pupils have been leading lunchtime clubs for younger pupils this term. These opportunities have included chess, athletics, football, basketball, art and cricket.


Year 3 pupils had the opportunity to apply to be a Christmas Post Worker in our school Post Office this December. What a lot of Christmas cards will need sorting and delivering to the correct classes.


Mrs Walklett have invited lots of guests to ‘Tea With Me’ this term. Over a cup of tea and a piece (or two!) of cake, we have discussed what is good about our school, what children think about behaviour, whether they feel safe and what we have in place to keep them safe, how teachers help them learn and give feedback…and many more important topics.



Eco Council have been busy. They have already organised a litter pick around the school grounds – and an Eco Council competition for children to draw, paint of photograph a beautiful view or a historic building in our local area.


Children in Need day on 18th November was an opportunity to come to school in non-uniform and to wear spots. We also sold Pudsey activity booklets to support our fundraising.


On their WWII day, Year 5 pupils came to school dressed as refugees. They took part in lots of activities to help them to understand what it would have been like to be a child in those times. We were delighted to have a visit form the amazing Professor McGinty who used artefacts, drama and lots of humour to enhance the curriculum and support the pupils’ learning.


Our Year 5 pupils had a fantastic time on their residential visit to Laches Wood in November. The children challenged themselves to take opportunities to try new skills and overcome fears – as well as time spent having fun with their friends.


Nursery created a beautiful Remembrance Garden for Remembrance Day on 11th November. We held special assemblies and observed the two-minute silence with respect, as we reflected on the sacrifices made in war and conflicts around the world.


In November, we have held our KS2 impact workshops sessions for parents to come and work alongside their child. These have been extremely well attended and have been a useful opportunity for parents to see how teachers teach the curriculum – particularly in maths.


Over the term, Year 6 pupils have been working with Ms Heer and students from Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School on a ceramics project.


The first half term whizzed by. We ended the half term with our Parents’ Evenings and a book fair to raise funds to buy more books for school. Thank you to all of the parents who supported this event.


In October, we held our Harvest assemblies. This year, our appeal was for the local Elim Church Foodbank. Thank you very much to all families who contributed to this. Our Reception pupils’ parents and carers joined us for the Infant assembly. All of the pupils took part in year group harvest songs and we enjoyed some of our favourites altogether, too. We were delighted that Rev Beccy Allen, from St Columba’s Church, was able to join us and give a talk as part of our Harvest.


Thank you to Mrs High and her team of helpers for organising this years’ Macmillan Coffee Morning at the end of September.  We raised an incredible £502.81.


We were delighted to hear that all 56 Speech pupils who took their LAMDA examinations in the summer term passed with a merit or distinction! What an incredible achievement.


There was a sad start to the autumn term as HM Queen Elizabeth II died on 8th September. We marked her death with a special assembly to give thanks for her life and 70 years of unwavering duty and service to our country. We also enjoyed reflecting on our happy Platinum Jubilee memories from our whole school street party and parade in June.


Mrs Walklett welcomed us back to a new school year with a whole school assembly. We reflected on our September value: feeling proud.  We are so proud to belong to New Oscott primary School and set ourselves high expectations of behaviour and our learning.


Spring 2022

We ended the busy Spring Term with our wonderful Nursery Easter Hat Parades, NOSPA discos and the NOSPA Easter Egg Hunt.


In the last week of term, School Council organised a wonderful cake sale to raise fund for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, raising over £400!


At the end of March, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their residential visit to the Pioneer Centre at Cleobury Mortimer. They all demonstrated our New Oscott values, challenging themselves to try new experiences and take up all the opportunities the visit offered them, including climbing, abseiling, caving, high ropes, ‘leap of faith’ inflatables and the campfire. Well done everyone – and thank you to the staff who gave so freely of their time to accompany them.

Following the last two years of restrictions, it is wonderful to see our pupils going out on school trips again to enrich our curriculum. Year 3 enjoyed their visit to Birmingham’s Botanical Gardens to support their work in Geography and Science.


Well done to our excellent Guitar Ensemble who performed at Birmingham University’s Elgin Hall at the beginning of April. It is always wonderful to see our pupils taking up opportunities offered – and what a fantastic opportunity this was to perform on such a prestigious stage.

The sporting calendar has been a busy one this term with in-school competitions - and Sutton Coldfield Schools’ events, too.

Our school Cross Country, Panathlon, gymnastics and football teams have been busy competing against other schools, and our swimming team enjoyed taking part in the highly competitive Sutton Coldfield Schools Swimming Gala. A massive well done to everyone who has represented our school this term!


All of our junior pupils took part in our inter-house fun run in March, demonstrating great resilience, determination and co-operation (3 of our school values).


Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 all enjoyed their visits from the hilarious Professor McGinty who reinforced, enriched and extended their learning in History in his highly charismatic and engaging style. Year 6 have been studying Ancient Greece, Year 5 World War II - and Year 2 have been learning about Pompeii. It was great to see pupils and staff dressed up for these enrichment days, too.

Nursery also enjoyed dressing up as animals when the ‘Animal Man’ visited Nursery and Year 2 with a range of animals to support their learning in Science. The children were very brave to handle animals such as the tarantula and a corn snake.



In January we re-launched our Golden Table after a two year absence due to the Covid restrictions. Our Lunchtime Supervisors choose some children each week who they have spotted using lovely manners. They reward them with an invitation to sit on our ‘Golden Table’, complete with gold table cloth and flowers! Well done to everyone who has received a Golden Table invitation this term.


Early in Spring Term, our amazing Eco Council organised a Book Swap. It was so successful, pupils have asked Eco Council to organise another one in the summer term!


World Book Day was a resounding success. All of our children and staff looked amazing dressed as their favourite book characters. We also enjoyed learning activities linked to books during the day.




Mental Health and well-being are very important for our children and staff. In February, we had our Mental Health Week. Children learned about how to keep healthy and how to help their mental health. Activities included a Spa Day in Reception, learning about healthy eating, yoga and relaxation techniques and mental health assemblies.

Year 1 made the most of our local resources when they walked over to Sutton Park. They have been learning about land use in our local environment as part of their work in Geography this term. Here they are enjoying the park and woodlands.


Reception thoroughly enjoyed learning about and celebrating Chinese New Year. They tasted different foods, dressed up as animals in the zodiac and even performed a dragon dance.


At the end of January, Eco Council organised our RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch. We observed many different bird species in our wonderful school grounds - including blackbirds, pigeons, sparrows and pied wagtails.


Our term started with a visit by our local MP, Mr Andrew Mitchell. Mr Mitchell enjoyed a tour of our school and visited classrooms to see pupils hard at work. He also talked to pupils about his role and answered their many questions.

Autumn 2021

We are really enjoying our learning across the curriculum. Year 3 are studying the Stone Age in their History lessons. They have also recreated some Stone Age wall art in their Art lessons.


Year 1 enjoyed some of their Maths learning outside!

In November, our Eco-Council had their first meeting for the school year. The children had lots of brilliant ideas about how we help the environment at New Oscott Primary School. Their ideas include a book swap, a whole school environment day, a poster design competition, solar panels on the school roof and an electric car charging point. After our meeting, we did a litter pick around the school grounds.

Great news that inter-school competitions are taking place again. In October, our Cross Country team took part in their first race for this season. We have also entered teams in dodgeball, panathalon and indoor athletics competitions. Here is our Year 6 Indoor Athletics team.


We thoroughly enjoyed our Harvest Festival Assemblies in October. Rev. Beccy Allen visited from St Columba’s Church at Banners Gate and talked to us about Harvest and being thankful. It was wonderful to invite Reception parents to this assembly. We also had a Harvest Appeal to support the Elim Church, Kingstanding Foodbank. Thank you to all the families who gave so generously and donated items.


Our Year 5 pupils had an AMAZING time on their residential visit to Laches Wood in October. They thoroughly embraced the outward bounds challenges and took part in a wide range of activities including abseiling, climbing, mountain biking, survival skills and campfire!

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Thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning this term. We raised over £620! It was really lovely to welcome our school community back into school.


Congratulations to the 56 pupils who took and passed their LAMDA examinations in the summer. In September, we received their results and every single pupil passed with distinction! An amazing achievement!


We were all so excited to start the new school year on 6th September. We enjoyed playing with our friends and getting to know our new teachers. Mrs Walklett and Mrs Budden led Welcome Back assemblies. We talked about the challenges and opportunities we are looking forward to and set high expectations for our learning and behaviour.



News 2020-21

Despite the Covid-19 restrictions in place, we had a busy and exciting Autumn Term 2020.

Special events included our Harvest Festival appeal and assemblies. This year we supported our local Foodbank with donations of food which our children brought into school. We had Year Group assemblies to say thank you for our food and for everyone who contributes to ensuring we have food in our shops and in our homes each day.


In October, we celebrated Black History month through stories, history and assemblies about significant people of Black heritage, and their contributions to science, technology, sport, the Arts and many other areas of life and world history.


In November, we dressed in spots and raised money for Children in Need.


We also enjoyed Lego workshops which enabled us to use and develop our technology skills. We had great fun, too!


Eco-Council ran an ‘Upcycling’ competition. We had some fantastic prizes and it was very difficult to choose the winners!


Our Remembrance assemblies in November were very moving. We also contributed art work and poems to a wonderful Remembrance display at Wylde Green train station.


Father Christmas visited New Oscott- but this year he had to stay outside school and wave to us through the windows. He still left us presents, though, to put under our Christmas trees!

During Spring Term, we faced another Lockdown and most children worked at home during this time, with live and online lessons delivered by their teachers. Through our ‘Keeping in Touch’ letters, we had weekly challenges, many of them linked to the outdoors and Nature – such as making seed balls and bird tables.


We also had weekly assemblies on themes which supported mental health and well-being.

We also enjoyed special days such as the Year 6 Ancient Greek Day…

and World Book Day!

Key-worker children dressed up and took part in activities in school whilst those at home joined in via live lessons and planned fun activities.

During the summer term, we had some fantastic homework projects brought into school which supported our learning at school and home.


Oscar, in Year 2, donated some saplings via the Woodland Trust and Year 2 pupils were kept busy planting these in our school grounds.


Eco-Council also organised some lunchtime litter picks to ensure our school grounds are kept tidy and litter-free.


School Council enjoyed outdoor ‘Tea with Me’ with Mrs Walklett. We talked about what is good about our school, what would make it even better, whether we feel safe at school, our learning within the curriculum and through extra-curricular opportunities – all whilst enjoying pieces of cake and cups of tea and squash!


We also enjoyed wearing our football kits and England colours to support our football team in the Euro 2020 Football competition. Sadly, we didn’t win but we all really enjoyed getting behind the England team and took part in fun football and sport related activities in school.

In the final days of term, when some restrictions were lifted, we were very grateful to our Year 6 pupils who organised and led some excellent lunchtime sports and art clubs.

What an excellent year! We are all looking forward to 2021-22! 

Spring Term 2020

Our Spring Term got off to an exciting start for our Junior Choir which took part again this year in the Young Voices Concert at the Genting Arena in Birmingham – alongside another 6000 pupils from across the Midlands. The children had a fabulous time and sang their hearts out!



Miss Reardon (Head of Creative Arts) and Mrs Gale (Head of Humanities) ran a History in Art Competition. Pupils were asked to create a portrait of a famous of significant figure in history. The standard of entries was outstanding. Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to everyone who took part. Winners were presented with their prizes in our Special Certificate Assembly at the end of the first half term.


During February, we took part in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch, organised by our Eco-Council. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful school grounds and were delighted to discover how many different species of birds visit our trees and fields.


Mrs Walklett has continued to invite pupils to ‘Tea With Me’ on a Friday afternoon – a lovely opportunity for a piece of cake and a cup of tea (or squash) and a chat about our school: What is good about our school?; What would make it even better?; Do pupils feel safe? What do they think about behaviour and learning?


Autumn Term 2020

What an exciting new school year for New Oscott Primary School! In September, we welcomed our new Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Budden, and all our new Reception and Nursery pupils.

Our Macmillan Coffee Morning on 27th September was a perfect way to welcome all our new parents to our New Oscott family – and we raised £419.14 at the same time!


We also received the exciting news that we have been awarded the Science Quality Mark which recognises excellent teaching and learning in Science.


At the end of the month we had a special ‘Summer Reading Challenge’ presentation assembly for the 140 pupils who completed the Birmingham Libraries’ Summer Reading Challenge over the summer holiday. Children had to read and review 6 books to receive the award, and were presented with a certificate, medal and £5.00 book token by local librarian, Helen Sharp.

At the beginning of October, we held our Times Tables Rocks Stars Launch Day. Everyone dressed up as rock stars – including the staff – and we enjoyed maths and times tables activities throughout the day. Special congratulations to Umar (Year 5) and Lexie (Year 6) who managed to beat Phase 3 Assistant Head Teacher, Mr Hamilton in the Times Tables Championship during our launch assembly.

All of our pupils from Year 2 upwards are working really hard and having lots of fun learning and practising their times tables using Time Tables Rock Stars and Mathletics online schemes.



Our Harvest Assemblies in October were led by Rev Skelton from Elim Church. All year groups also preformed items as part of our Harvest presentations and we were delighted that Reception families were able to join us. Our appeal this year was for food items to support our local Food Bank to help members of our local community. Following our Harvest Appeal, we now have an on-going Foodbank Appeal to help our local community.

In November, Eco-Council ran an ‘Upcycling’ Competition. Lots of pupils took part and we had some really creative and imaginative entries ranging from bug hotels and bird feeders to a working bag made of egg boxes.

School Council also organised our Saturday morning
Groundforce Morning to tidy the school grounds and carry out some winter planting. Lots of families came along to help and really improved our school grounds with some beautiful colour.


Year 5 pupils thoroughly enjoyed their residential visit to Laches Wood, near Wolverhampton. They took part in many outdoor activities including abseiling and high ropes, shelter building and assault courses.


Our Children in Need Fundraising Appeal raised over £950. We had a cake sale and made and sold a special ‘Children in Need’ magazine in school. Families were very generous in their support for this worthwhile cause.

Throughout the Autumn Term we held ‘Impact’ sessions – workshops where parents came into school to work alongside their children. Teachers demonstrated different methods and approaches e.g. in Maths. Parents and pupils completed learning tasks in school – and as follow up homework tasks.


School History

Monday 5th June 2017 was the 50th birthday of New Oscott Primary School in Markham Road Sutton School.

The school opened with 3 classes and 116 pupils on Monday 5th June 1967. Today, as New Oscott Primary School we have 684 pupils!

We had great fun at our 50th birthday celebrations. Pupils and staff came to school dressed in different outfits for the different decades from 1967 to the present day and took part in special assemblies and a celebration picnic to mark the important milestone in the school’s history.




Everyone in school  also undertook a sponsored ’50 Challenge’ – 50 of ‘something’ which was a personal challenge. Head Teacher, Alison Walklett, walked 50 miles of the Cotswold Way and Deputy Head Teacher, Karl Holmes ran 50 km (including the Edinburgh Marathon).

Other challenges included pupil Toby Newman who has taken up bee-keeping and produced 50 jars of honey; Abbie Guy who collected 50 letters containing birthday wishes to our school from around the UK (including members of the Royal Family) and 50 from different countries around the world. In addition, Maia Hussey and her mum contacted 50 sewing groups around the country who sent embroidered squares which Maia then sewed into a wonderful panel for the back of the piano. The squares include the name of the town/area from where they were sent and include York, Jersey, Canvey Island and Edinburgh.

The celebrations continued as our ‘Big Sleuth Bear’ was revealed for the first time. Our bear, Oscar, is decorated with the children’s designs inspired by the 1960s – the decade when our school first opened - and is now displayed in the main reception area at school.

Archives: Spring Term 2017

What a busy and exciting Spring Term 2017 at New Oscott Primary School!

During the term we took part in a number of charity fundraising events, including Pinky Purple Day to raise funds for the Rotary Association’s campaign to eradicate Polio, as well as Comic Relief and an ASC Coffee Morning during National Autism Week.

These raised over £1200 – a great achievement!


Years 5 and 6 both enjoyed their residential visits, Year 5 at Laches Wood Centre and Year 6 at
Pioneer Centre near Cleobury Mortimer. All the pupils participated with great enthusiasm and       
behaviour was excellent. Pupils took part in various activities including high ropes, abseiling,
canoeing and assault courses. Lots of individual challenges and great support for each other.

In addition, Year 5 visited Warwick Castle, Reception made class bears at Build-A-Bear in Solihull and Nursery had a trip to the Snowdome and we had ever-popular visits from Professor McGinty who always brings History to life in a humorous way.

Parents have enjoyed a number of class assemblies this term and there was a particular treat for our Nursery parents who were invited to join us for the Easter Hat parade.


We continue to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities including music and speech tuition; computer games programming club, cross country, football, netball, cricket, sports ambassadors’ training, elite sports training, choir, art and craft, recorder club, French, Spanish and tennis. Some of these are run by external providers; however, a high number are also run by staff or run by Year 6 pupils at lunchtimes and supervised by staff.

Aston Villa coaches continue to run training for Years 3 to 6 after school on Thursdays and Years 1 & 2 on Wednesdays. In the summer term we will be working with Warwickshire cricket coaching. In March, Aspire coaches led Balanceability sessions for Reception and Year 1 which proved very popular.


Impact sessions for Reception (Maths), Year 1 (maths) and Years 2 (writing) were held last half
term and at all of these attendance was excellent. We also held a Year 6 SATs information             
meeting at the start of February (and re-run a few weeks later) and Year 2 at the start of March.
A meeting for Year 5 parents prior to the Sex and Relationships programme of lessons will be held at the start of the summer term.


NOSPA (our Parents’ Association) continues to work hard to support fundraising and provide additional resources for school. The new initiative ‘Ssssh Room’ was very successful; NOSPA also organised an Easter Egg and Easter discos. NOSPA members are currently busy planning our Summer Fun Day which this year will be held on Friday 7th July at 6.00 p.m.


We had a very positive mid-point Quality Mark review in January which recognised excellent practice throughout the school.

“high quality provision is observed consistently across all year groups and classes. During my learning walk there was clear evidence of high quality classroom practice with children engaged and enthusiastic in their learning.”

“The school works hard to involve parents and carers in their child’s learning journey and to feel part of the school family. There is a strong feeling of community and everyone is valued and has a contribution to make to enable all children to make progress and achieve their potential. I was able to watch a regular parent workshop in action – the strong relationships between home and school reflects in the workshops being very well attended.”

Year 6 pupils are working hard to achieve their Rotary Award. This year, we have 60 pupils taking part. 35 of these undertook St John’s Ambulance First Aid training (6 hours in total) to achieve a First Aid qualification. Well done to everyone involved!

At the beginning of March, we all thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book charactersfor World Book Day. Year 5 had a Hogwarts day – including the sorting hat ceremony at the start of the day.

In January 57 pupils and a number of staff took part in the Young Voices concert at the Genting
Arena in Birmingham with 6000 other pupils from around the Midlands and beyond.
What an experience!



In addition to all the above, we have held our inter-house fun run for all 360 pupils in Juniors; participated in Sutton Coldfield Schools’ swimming gala, cross country races, netball, football, multi skills and basketball competitions; taken part in; ’The Big Pedal’ in which children were encouraged to cycle of scoot to school for two weeks; held e-safety day and hosted a visit by 30 PGCE students from Birmingham University who came to observe teaching in Phonics and writing throughout the Infants and Nursery!

Such a busy term!



Autumn Term 2016

It has been a very busy Autumn first half term at New Oscott Primary School. We are delighted with all our new Reception and Nursery pupils who started this September. All our pupils settled back into school really well and made an excellent start to the new school year. At our whole school assembly on the first day, we discussed our September value: ‘feeling proud. We were all every proud of our Olympic and Paralympic athletes – and very proud of our school, too. Mrs Walklett and Mr Holmes invited everyone to set themselves a ‘proud to be me’ challenge and talked about our high expectations of work, presentation and behaviour.

Thank you to all parents who attended the Year Group Information meeting over the first week and a half. This was a good opportunity to meet staff and ear about the curriculum and expectations for the year group, as well as find out how parents can support with their children’s learning. (If you were unable to attend, please find the slides on the Year Group pages on our website).

Year 3 pupils enjoyed their swimming lessons at Wyndley swimming baths throughout the first half term – and all our extra-curricular clubs and activities are well underway. This term we have Speech, instrument tuition, French, Spanish, multi skills, netball, football, karate, tennis, elite sport, cross country and choir – as well as all our lunchtime PSE groups.


On 4th October we welcomed Rev Skelton to our Harvest Assemblies.
This year, we chose to support a project to raise funds for the building of a well at an orphanage in Tanzania. Our families gave generously, raising £909.97.



School Council also organised our non-uniform day on 23rd September. We all came to school wearing bronze, silver and gold to celebrate the Paralympics and raise money for ‘British Blind Sport. Well done to School Council for raising £507.90’.



Finally, our MacMillan coffee morning on 30th September received tremendous support from our parents and staff. We raised £415!



At the end of September we held our Phonics Impact sessions for all Reception parents. This was an opportunity for parents to come into school to work alongside their child and find out how we teach Phonics at New Oscott Primary School. Thank you to all parents and carers who attended these sessions – support was excellent.

At our Summer Reading Challenge presentation assembly on Thursday 6th October we presented certificates, medals and book tokens to 128 pupils who read at least 6 books and written book reviews over the summer to complete the challenge. Boldmere Head Librarian, Helen Sharp, joined us to help with the presentation which was attended by all the children’s parents. Well done everyone!

Our newspaper team worked hard to create our new Oscott News for the first half term. The ‘New Oscott News’ is on sale now for 20p a copy.

All classes held elections to choose this year’s School Councillors. Well done to everyone who was elected. Mrs Walklett invited the whole School Council for ‘Tea With Me’ – a cup of tea and piece of cake and a chat about our school – ‘what’s good about our school?’, ‘what would make it even better?’, ‘Do you feel safe?’, ‘what do you think about behaviour at our school?’ Some of their responses are displayed in the main entrance to our school.
Please have a look when you are visiting.

On 11th October we had a Learning Review. Head and Deputy Head Teachers from 3 local primary schools led a review of teaching and learning in Maths in our school. They observed lessons, carried out book scrutinies, met with pupils and interviewed senior leaders in school. At the end of the day, the team fed back to staff, Chair of Governors and our SEN Governor. The report was highly positive and there was much to celebrate – as well as some ideas for further development in school. The report included the following points:

  • Effective use of the marking policy, alongside high expectations of all pupils, ensure exceptional standards of presentation across both key stages including PP and SEN support children.
  • Creative timetabling and established communication systems ensure teaching assistants are highly effective in supporting children’s learning - taking into account their different starting points.
  • Children demonstrate outstanding learning behaviours. They are enthusiastic about their learning and are able to articulate their learning journey both orally and through their writing.

The full report is available in the main entrance to our school.

What a busy and exciting start to the new school year!

Our Open Day sessions for prospective Reception parents will be held on Tuesday 8th November at 9.15 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.

Please contact Mrs Callaghan, Admissions Secretary, for more information on 0121 675 3658.




Summer Term 2016

What a busy and exciting summer term at New Oscott Primary School!


Many year groups enjoyed trips to support and enhance their learning. Year 6 visited London and spent the morning in the Houses of Parliament, learning about democracy and watching debates in action. In the afternoon, they enjoyed a river trip along the Thames followed by a visit to the Natural History Museum. 



Other visits include Reception’s trip to Stratford-Upon Avon (including a trip on the river);
Year 2 to Twycross Zoo to support their learning about different animals; Year 4 to
Dudley Castle to learn about crime and punishment and Nursery’s visit to Umberslade Farm.



We were extremely proud of all 53 pupils who took LAMDA speech examinations in May. In July we received their result – every pupil had passed with a merit or distinction! What an amazing achievement. Well done, everyone!

Year 2 pupils staged a wonderful ‘Move on Up’ Concert at the end of the summer term, suitably titled ‘The Wizard of NOS’. This was followed the following day by our Year 6’s Leavers’ Concert. Well done to all pupils involved in these excellent and entertaining performances.


Congratulations to all 50 pupils who successfully completed the Year 6 Rotary Community Award.  The pupils were represented with their certificates and medals in a presentation ceremony at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall in July. This award, similar in design to the Duke of Edinburgh Award includes elements of community service, skill development and learning about different aspects of our community including democracy, different faiths and celebrations.


Unfortunately, the weather was against us and despite several attempts we were unable to have an Infant Sports Day this year. However, our Junior and Nursery Sports Days were a big success. Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to all the parents who came along to support. The overall winning house was Ash. A huge thank you to our Sports Leaders who helped to organise the events and were great ambassadors for sport and for our school.

We were very proud of our Year 2 and Year 6 pupils who worked so hard for their SATs assessments. We were delighted that our results were above national for ‘Age-related’ in all subjects. Well done, everyone!

Our School newspaper team worked extremely hard to create, publish and sell copies of our school newspaper, New Oscott News. The issue included interviews with Mrs Walklett, Mr Wood and Miss McKiernan. Our editorial team is made up of pupils from Years 2 to 6, supported by Miss Coleman. We are already looking forward to our Autumn Term issue!

Our Junior choir performed with the Staffordshire Band at Streetly Academy in July. This was a wonderful summer concert; the standard of singing was extremely high and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

It was very exciting to welcome Olympic athlete, Non Stanford (Triathlete) and

Paralympic athlete, Dean Miller, to spend the day with us in school in the summer term. They were such an inspiration and we were all very excited to cheer them on in Rio.


What an amazing day we had in June to celebrate HRH Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday.
We all dressed in red, white and blue and enjoyed a Royal picnic on long trestle tables in the playground. Every pup and member of staff was present to enjoy the picnic and sing the National Anthem. The afternoon ended with a procession around the field in the sunshine. A day to remember!



In our final assembly of the year we congratulated all 135 pupils with 100% attendance, including Katie in Year 6 who did not miss a single day during her whole time at New Oscott Primary school from Reception to Year 6. Mr Holmes congratulated everyone on the 4000 Mathletics certificates awarded over the year and Mrs Walklett set a challenge to all pupils to try and beat the record 144 pupils who achieved last year’s Summer Reading Challenge at our local libraries.

Finally, we said goodbye to our amazing Year 6 pupils and wished them every success and happiness in their new secondary schools. Thank you everyone for all you brought to our school. We will miss you!



News 2022 - 2023

Autumn Term 2022

Our Year 6 pupils have been leading lunchtime clubs for younger pupils this term. These opportunities have included chess, athletics, football, basketball, art and cricket.


Year 3 pupils had the opportunity to apply to be a Christmas Post Worker in our school Post Office this December. What a lot of Christmas cards will need sorting and delivering to the correct classes.


Mrs Walklett have invited lots of guests to ‘Tea With Me’ this term. Over a cup of tea and a piece (or two!) of cake, we have discussed what is good about our school, what children think about behaviour, whether they feel safe and what we have in place to keep them safe, how teachers help them learn and give feedback…and many more important topics.



Eco Council have been busy. They have already organised a litter pick around the school grounds – and an Eco Council competition for children to draw, paint of photograph a beautiful view or a historic building in our local area.


Children in Need day on 18th November was an opportunity to come to school in non-uniform and to wear spots. We also sold Pudsey activity booklets to support our fundraising.


On their WWII day, Year 5 pupils came to school dressed as refugees. They took part in lots of activities to help them to understand what it would have been like to be a child in those times. We were delighted to have a visit form the amazing Professor McGinty who used artefacts, drama and lots of humour to enhance the curriculum and support the pupils’ learning.


Our Year 5 pupils had a fantastic time on their residential visit to Laches Wood in November. The children challenged themselves to take opportunities to try new skills and overcome fears – as well as time spent having fun with their friends.


Nursery created a beautiful Remembrance Garden for Remembrance Day on 11th November. We held special assemblies and observed the two-minute silence with respect, as we reflected on the sacrifices made in war and conflicts around the world.


In November, we have held our KS2 impact workshops sessions for parents to come and work alongside their child. These have been extremely well attended and have been a useful opportunity for parents to see how teachers teach the curriculum – particularly in maths.


Over the term, Year 6 pupils have been working with Ms Heer and students from Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School on a ceramics project.


The first half term whizzed by. We ended the half term with our Parents’ Evenings and a book fair to raise funds to buy more books for school. Thank you to all of the parents who supported this event.


In October, we held our Harvest assemblies. This year, our appeal was for the local Elim Church Foodbank. Thank you very much to all families who contributed to this. Our Reception pupils’ parents and carers joined us for the Infant assembly. All of the pupils took part in year group harvest songs and we enjoyed some of our favourites altogether, too. We were delighted that Rev Beccy Allen, from St Columba’s Church, was able to join us and give a talk as part of our Harvest.


Thank you to Mrs High and her team of helpers for organising this years’ Macmillan Coffee Morning at the end of September.  We raised an incredible £502.81.


We were delighted to hear that all 56 Speech pupils who took their LAMDA examinations in the summer term passed with a merit or distinction! What an incredible achievement.


There was a sad start to the autumn term as HM Queen Elizabeth II died on 8th September. We marked her death with a special assembly to give thanks for her life and 70 years of unwavering duty and service to our country. We also enjoyed reflecting on our happy Platinum Jubilee memories from our whole school street party and parade in June.


Mrs Walklett welcomed us back to a new school year with a whole school assembly. We reflected on our September value: feeling proud.  We are so proud to belong to New Oscott primary School and set ourselves high expectations of behaviour and our learning.


Spring 2022

We ended the busy Spring Term with our wonderful Nursery Easter Hat Parades, NOSPA discos and the NOSPA Easter Egg Hunt.


In the last week of term, School Council organised a wonderful cake sale to raise fund for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, raising over £400!


At the end of March, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their residential visit to the Pioneer Centre at Cleobury Mortimer. They all demonstrated our New Oscott values, challenging themselves to try new experiences and take up all the opportunities the visit offered them, including climbing, abseiling, caving, high ropes, ‘leap of faith’ inflatables and the campfire. Well done everyone – and thank you to the staff who gave so freely of their time to accompany them.

Following the last two years of restrictions, it is wonderful to see our pupils going out on school trips again to enrich our curriculum. Year 3 enjoyed their visit to Birmingham’s Botanical Gardens to support their work in Geography and Science.


Well done to our excellent Guitar Ensemble who performed at Birmingham University’s Elgin Hall at the beginning of April. It is always wonderful to see our pupils taking up opportunities offered – and what a fantastic opportunity this was to perform on such a prestigious stage.

The sporting calendar has been a busy one this term with in-school competitions - and Sutton Coldfield Schools’ events, too.

Our school Cross Country, Panathlon, gymnastics and football teams have been busy competing against other schools, and our swimming team enjoyed taking part in the highly competitive Sutton Coldfield Schools Swimming Gala. A massive well done to everyone who has represented our school this term!


All of our junior pupils took part in our inter-house fun run in March, demonstrating great resilience, determination and co-operation (3 of our school values).


Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 all enjoyed their visits from the hilarious Professor McGinty who reinforced, enriched and extended their learning in History in his highly charismatic and engaging style. Year 6 have been studying Ancient Greece, Year 5 World War II - and Year 2 have been learning about Pompeii. It was great to see pupils and staff dressed up for these enrichment days, too.

Nursery also enjoyed dressing up as animals when the ‘Animal Man’ visited Nursery and Year 2 with a range of animals to support their learning in Science. The children were very brave to handle animals such as the tarantula and a corn snake.



In January we re-launched our Golden Table after a two year absence due to the Covid restrictions. Our Lunchtime Supervisors choose some children each week who they have spotted using lovely manners. They reward them with an invitation to sit on our ‘Golden Table’, complete with gold table cloth and flowers! Well done to everyone who has received a Golden Table invitation this term.


Early in Spring Term, our amazing Eco Council organised a Book Swap. It was so successful, pupils have asked Eco Council to organise another one in the summer term!


World Book Day was a resounding success. All of our children and staff looked amazing dressed as their favourite book characters. We also enjoyed learning activities linked to books during the day.




Mental Health and well-being are very important for our children and staff. In February, we had our Mental Health Week. Children learned about how to keep healthy and how to help their mental health. Activities included a Spa Day in Reception, learning about healthy eating, yoga and relaxation techniques and mental health assemblies.

Year 1 made the most of our local resources when they walked over to Sutton Park. They have been learning about land use in our local environment as part of their work in Geography this term. Here they are enjoying the park and woodlands.


Reception thoroughly enjoyed learning about and celebrating Chinese New Year. They tasted different foods, dressed up as animals in the zodiac and even performed a dragon dance.


At the end of January, Eco Council organised our RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch. We observed many different bird species in our wonderful school grounds - including blackbirds, pigeons, sparrows and pied wagtails.


Our term started with a visit by our local MP, Mr Andrew Mitchell. Mr Mitchell enjoyed a tour of our school and visited classrooms to see pupils hard at work. He also talked to pupils about his role and answered their many questions.

Autumn 2021

We are really enjoying our learning across the curriculum. Year 3 are studying the Stone Age in their History lessons. They have also recreated some Stone Age wall art in their Art lessons.


Year 1 enjoyed some of their Maths learning outside!

In November, our Eco-Council had their first meeting for the school year. The children had lots of brilliant ideas about how we help the environment at New Oscott Primary School. Their ideas include a book swap, a whole school environment day, a poster design competition, solar panels on the school roof and an electric car charging point. After our meeting, we did a litter pick around the school grounds.

Great news that inter-school competitions are taking place again. In October, our Cross Country team took part in their first race for this season. We have also entered teams in dodgeball, panathalon and indoor athletics competitions. Here is our Year 6 Indoor Athletics team.


We thoroughly enjoyed our Harvest Festival Assemblies in October. Rev. Beccy Allen visited from St Columba’s Church at Banners Gate and talked to us about Harvest and being thankful. It was wonderful to invite Reception parents to this assembly. We also had a Harvest Appeal to support the Elim Church, Kingstanding Foodbank. Thank you to all the families who gave so generously and donated items.


Our Year 5 pupils had an AMAZING time on their residential visit to Laches Wood in October. They thoroughly embraced the outward bounds challenges and took part in a wide range of activities including abseiling, climbing, mountain biking, survival skills and campfire!

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Thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning this term. We raised over £620! It was really lovely to welcome our school community back into school.


Congratulations to the 56 pupils who took and passed their LAMDA examinations in the summer. In September, we received their results and every single pupil passed with distinction! An amazing achievement!


We were all so excited to start the new school year on 6th September. We enjoyed playing with our friends and getting to know our new teachers. Mrs Walklett and Mrs Budden led Welcome Back assemblies. We talked about the challenges and opportunities we are looking forward to and set high expectations for our learning and behaviour.



News 2020-21

Despite the Covid-19 restrictions in place, we had a busy and exciting Autumn Term 2020.

Special events included our Harvest Festival appeal and assemblies. This year we supported our local Foodbank with donations of food which our children brought into school. We had Year Group assemblies to say thank you for our food and for everyone who contributes to ensuring we have food in our shops and in our homes each day.


In October, we celebrated Black History month through stories, history and assemblies about significant people of Black heritage, and their contributions to science, technology, sport, the Arts and many other areas of life and world history.


In November, we dressed in spots and raised money for Children in Need.


We also enjoyed Lego workshops which enabled us to use and develop our technology skills. We had great fun, too!


Eco-Council ran an ‘Upcycling’ competition. We had some fantastic prizes and it was very difficult to choose the winners!


Our Remembrance assemblies in November were very moving. We also contributed art work and poems to a wonderful Remembrance display at Wylde Green train station.


Father Christmas visited New Oscott- but this year he had to stay outside school and wave to us through the windows. He still left us presents, though, to put under our Christmas trees!

During Spring Term, we faced another Lockdown and most children worked at home during this time, with live and online lessons delivered by their teachers. Through our ‘Keeping in Touch’ letters, we had weekly challenges, many of them linked to the outdoors and Nature – such as making seed balls and bird tables.


We also had weekly assemblies on themes which supported mental health and well-being.

We also enjoyed special days such as the Year 6 Ancient Greek Day…

and World Book Day!

Key-worker children dressed up and took part in activities in school whilst those at home joined in via live lessons and planned fun activities.

During the summer term, we had some fantastic homework projects brought into school which supported our learning at school and home.


Oscar, in Year 2, donated some saplings via the Woodland Trust and Year 2 pupils were kept busy planting these in our school grounds.


Eco-Council also organised some lunchtime litter picks to ensure our school grounds are kept tidy and litter-free.


School Council enjoyed outdoor ‘Tea with Me’ with Mrs Walklett. We talked about what is good about our school, what would make it even better, whether we feel safe at school, our learning within the curriculum and through extra-curricular opportunities – all whilst enjoying pieces of cake and cups of tea and squash!


We also enjoyed wearing our football kits and England colours to support our football team in the Euro 2020 Football competition. Sadly, we didn’t win but we all really enjoyed getting behind the England team and took part in fun football and sport related activities in school.

In the final days of term, when some restrictions were lifted, we were very grateful to our Year 6 pupils who organised and led some excellent lunchtime sports and art clubs.

What an excellent year! We are all looking forward to 2021-22! 

Spring Term 2020

Our Spring Term got off to an exciting start for our Junior Choir which took part again this year in the Young Voices Concert at the Genting Arena in Birmingham – alongside another 6000 pupils from across the Midlands. The children had a fabulous time and sang their hearts out!



Miss Reardon (Head of Creative Arts) and Mrs Gale (Head of Humanities) ran a History in Art Competition. Pupils were asked to create a portrait of a famous of significant figure in history. The standard of entries was outstanding. Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to everyone who took part. Winners were presented with their prizes in our Special Certificate Assembly at the end of the first half term.


During February, we took part in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch, organised by our Eco-Council. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful school grounds and were delighted to discover how many different species of birds visit our trees and fields.


Mrs Walklett has continued to invite pupils to ‘Tea With Me’ on a Friday afternoon – a lovely opportunity for a piece of cake and a cup of tea (or squash) and a chat about our school: What is good about our school?; What would make it even better?; Do pupils feel safe? What do they think about behaviour and learning?


Autumn Term 2020

What an exciting new school year for New Oscott Primary School! In September, we welcomed our new Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Budden, and all our new Reception and Nursery pupils.

Our Macmillan Coffee Morning on 27th September was a perfect way to welcome all our new parents to our New Oscott family – and we raised £419.14 at the same time!


We also received the exciting news that we have been awarded the Science Quality Mark which recognises excellent teaching and learning in Science.


At the end of the month we had a special ‘Summer Reading Challenge’ presentation assembly for the 140 pupils who completed the Birmingham Libraries’ Summer Reading Challenge over the summer holiday. Children had to read and review 6 books to receive the award, and were presented with a certificate, medal and £5.00 book token by local librarian, Helen Sharp.

At the beginning of October, we held our Times Tables Rocks Stars Launch Day. Everyone dressed up as rock stars – including the staff – and we enjoyed maths and times tables activities throughout the day. Special congratulations to Umar (Year 5) and Lexie (Year 6) who managed to beat Phase 3 Assistant Head Teacher, Mr Hamilton in the Times Tables Championship during our launch assembly.

All of our pupils from Year 2 upwards are working really hard and having lots of fun learning and practising their times tables using Time Tables Rock Stars and Mathletics online schemes.



Our Harvest Assemblies in October were led by Rev Skelton from Elim Church. All year groups also preformed items as part of our Harvest presentations and we were delighted that Reception families were able to join us. Our appeal this year was for food items to support our local Food Bank to help members of our local community. Following our Harvest Appeal, we now have an on-going Foodbank Appeal to help our local community.

In November, Eco-Council ran an ‘Upcycling’ Competition. Lots of pupils took part and we had some really creative and imaginative entries ranging from bug hotels and bird feeders to a working bag made of egg boxes.

School Council also organised our Saturday morning
Groundforce Morning to tidy the school grounds and carry out some winter planting. Lots of families came along to help and really improved our school grounds with some beautiful colour.


Year 5 pupils thoroughly enjoyed their residential visit to Laches Wood, near Wolverhampton. They took part in many outdoor activities including abseiling and high ropes, shelter building and assault courses.


Our Children in Need Fundraising Appeal raised over £950. We had a cake sale and made and sold a special ‘Children in Need’ magazine in school. Families were very generous in their support for this worthwhile cause.

Throughout the Autumn Term we held ‘Impact’ sessions – workshops where parents came into school to work alongside their children. Teachers demonstrated different methods and approaches e.g. in Maths. Parents and pupils completed learning tasks in school – and as follow up homework tasks.


School History

Monday 5th June 2017 was the 50th birthday of New Oscott Primary School in Markham Road Sutton School.

The school opened with 3 classes and 116 pupils on Monday 5th June 1967. Today, as New Oscott Primary School we have 684 pupils!

We had great fun at our 50th birthday celebrations. Pupils and staff came to school dressed in different outfits for the different decades from 1967 to the present day and took part in special assemblies and a celebration picnic to mark the important milestone in the school’s history.




Everyone in school  also undertook a sponsored ’50 Challenge’ – 50 of ‘something’ which was a personal challenge. Head Teacher, Alison Walklett, walked 50 miles of the Cotswold Way and Deputy Head Teacher, Karl Holmes ran 50 km (including the Edinburgh Marathon).

Other challenges included pupil Toby Newman who has taken up bee-keeping and produced 50 jars of honey; Abbie Guy who collected 50 letters containing birthday wishes to our school from around the UK (including members of the Royal Family) and 50 from different countries around the world. In addition, Maia Hussey and her mum contacted 50 sewing groups around the country who sent embroidered squares which Maia then sewed into a wonderful panel for the back of the piano. The squares include the name of the town/area from where they were sent and include York, Jersey, Canvey Island and Edinburgh.

The celebrations continued as our ‘Big Sleuth Bear’ was revealed for the first time. Our bear, Oscar, is decorated with the children’s designs inspired by the 1960s – the decade when our school first opened - and is now displayed in the main reception area at school.

Archives: Spring Term 2017

What a busy and exciting Spring Term 2017 at New Oscott Primary School!

During the term we took part in a number of charity fundraising events, including Pinky Purple Day to raise funds for the Rotary Association’s campaign to eradicate Polio, as well as Comic Relief and an ASC Coffee Morning during National Autism Week.

These raised over £1200 – a great achievement!


Years 5 and 6 both enjoyed their residential visits, Year 5 at Laches Wood Centre and Year 6 at
Pioneer Centre near Cleobury Mortimer. All the pupils participated with great enthusiasm and       
behaviour was excellent. Pupils took part in various activities including high ropes, abseiling,
canoeing and assault courses. Lots of individual challenges and great support for each other.

In addition, Year 5 visited Warwick Castle, Reception made class bears at Build-A-Bear in Solihull and Nursery had a trip to the Snowdome and we had ever-popular visits from Professor McGinty who always brings History to life in a humorous way.

Parents have enjoyed a number of class assemblies this term and there was a particular treat for our Nursery parents who were invited to join us for the Easter Hat parade.


We continue to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities including music and speech tuition; computer games programming club, cross country, football, netball, cricket, sports ambassadors’ training, elite sports training, choir, art and craft, recorder club, French, Spanish and tennis. Some of these are run by external providers; however, a high number are also run by staff or run by Year 6 pupils at lunchtimes and supervised by staff.

Aston Villa coaches continue to run training for Years 3 to 6 after school on Thursdays and Years 1 & 2 on Wednesdays. In the summer term we will be working with Warwickshire cricket coaching. In March, Aspire coaches led Balanceability sessions for Reception and Year 1 which proved very popular.


Impact sessions for Reception (Maths), Year 1 (maths) and Years 2 (writing) were held last half
term and at all of these attendance was excellent. We also held a Year 6 SATs information             
meeting at the start of February (and re-run a few weeks later) and Year 2 at the start of March.
A meeting for Year 5 parents prior to the Sex and Relationships programme of lessons will be held at the start of the summer term.


NOSPA (our Parents’ Association) continues to work hard to support fundraising and provide additional resources for school. The new initiative ‘Ssssh Room’ was very successful; NOSPA also organised an Easter Egg and Easter discos. NOSPA members are currently busy planning our Summer Fun Day which this year will be held on Friday 7th July at 6.00 p.m.


We had a very positive mid-point Quality Mark review in January which recognised excellent practice throughout the school.

“high quality provision is observed consistently across all year groups and classes. During my learning walk there was clear evidence of high quality classroom practice with children engaged and enthusiastic in their learning.”

“The school works hard to involve parents and carers in their child’s learning journey and to feel part of the school family. There is a strong feeling of community and everyone is valued and has a contribution to make to enable all children to make progress and achieve their potential. I was able to watch a regular parent workshop in action – the strong relationships between home and school reflects in the workshops being very well attended.”

Year 6 pupils are working hard to achieve their Rotary Award. This year, we have 60 pupils taking part. 35 of these undertook St John’s Ambulance First Aid training (6 hours in total) to achieve a First Aid qualification. Well done to everyone involved!

At the beginning of March, we all thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book charactersfor World Book Day. Year 5 had a Hogwarts day – including the sorting hat ceremony at the start of the day.

In January 57 pupils and a number of staff took part in the Young Voices concert at the Genting
Arena in Birmingham with 6000 other pupils from around the Midlands and beyond.
What an experience!



In addition to all the above, we have held our inter-house fun run for all 360 pupils in Juniors; participated in Sutton Coldfield Schools’ swimming gala, cross country races, netball, football, multi skills and basketball competitions; taken part in; ’The Big Pedal’ in which children were encouraged to cycle of scoot to school for two weeks; held e-safety day and hosted a visit by 30 PGCE students from Birmingham University who came to observe teaching in Phonics and writing throughout the Infants and Nursery!

Such a busy term!



Autumn Term 2016

It has been a very busy Autumn first half term at New Oscott Primary School. We are delighted with all our new Reception and Nursery pupils who started this September. All our pupils settled back into school really well and made an excellent start to the new school year. At our whole school assembly on the first day, we discussed our September value: ‘feeling proud. We were all every proud of our Olympic and Paralympic athletes – and very proud of our school, too. Mrs Walklett and Mr Holmes invited everyone to set themselves a ‘proud to be me’ challenge and talked about our high expectations of work, presentation and behaviour.

Thank you to all parents who attended the Year Group Information meeting over the first week and a half. This was a good opportunity to meet staff and ear about the curriculum and expectations for the year group, as well as find out how parents can support with their children’s learning. (If you were unable to attend, please find the slides on the Year Group pages on our website).

Year 3 pupils enjoyed their swimming lessons at Wyndley swimming baths throughout the first half term – and all our extra-curricular clubs and activities are well underway. This term we have Speech, instrument tuition, French, Spanish, multi skills, netball, football, karate, tennis, elite sport, cross country and choir – as well as all our lunchtime PSE groups.


On 4th October we welcomed Rev Skelton to our Harvest Assemblies.
This year, we chose to support a project to raise funds for the building of a well at an orphanage in Tanzania. Our families gave generously, raising £909.97.



School Council also organised our non-uniform day on 23rd September. We all came to school wearing bronze, silver and gold to celebrate the Paralympics and raise money for ‘British Blind Sport. Well done to School Council for raising £507.90’.



Finally, our MacMillan coffee morning on 30th September received tremendous support from our parents and staff. We raised £415!



At the end of September we held our Phonics Impact sessions for all Reception parents. This was an opportunity for parents to come into school to work alongside their child and find out how we teach Phonics at New Oscott Primary School. Thank you to all parents and carers who attended these sessions – support was excellent.

At our Summer Reading Challenge presentation assembly on Thursday 6th October we presented certificates, medals and book tokens to 128 pupils who read at least 6 books and written book reviews over the summer to complete the challenge. Boldmere Head Librarian, Helen Sharp, joined us to help with the presentation which was attended by all the children’s parents. Well done everyone!

Our newspaper team worked hard to create our new Oscott News for the first half term. The ‘New Oscott News’ is on sale now for 20p a copy.

All classes held elections to choose this year’s School Councillors. Well done to everyone who was elected. Mrs Walklett invited the whole School Council for ‘Tea With Me’ – a cup of tea and piece of cake and a chat about our school – ‘what’s good about our school?’, ‘what would make it even better?’, ‘Do you feel safe?’, ‘what do you think about behaviour at our school?’ Some of their responses are displayed in the main entrance to our school.
Please have a look when you are visiting.

On 11th October we had a Learning Review. Head and Deputy Head Teachers from 3 local primary schools led a review of teaching and learning in Maths in our school. They observed lessons, carried out book scrutinies, met with pupils and interviewed senior leaders in school. At the end of the day, the team fed back to staff, Chair of Governors and our SEN Governor. The report was highly positive and there was much to celebrate – as well as some ideas for further development in school. The report included the following points:

  • Effective use of the marking policy, alongside high expectations of all pupils, ensure exceptional standards of presentation across both key stages including PP and SEN support children.
  • Creative timetabling and established communication systems ensure teaching assistants are highly effective in supporting children’s learning - taking into account their different starting points.
  • Children demonstrate outstanding learning behaviours. They are enthusiastic about their learning and are able to articulate their learning journey both orally and through their writing.

The full report is available in the main entrance to our school.

What a busy and exciting start to the new school year!

Our Open Day sessions for prospective Reception parents will be held on Tuesday 8th November at 9.15 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.

Please contact Mrs Callaghan, Admissions Secretary, for more information on 0121 675 3658.




Summer Term 2016

What a busy and exciting summer term at New Oscott Primary School!


Many year groups enjoyed trips to support and enhance their learning. Year 6 visited London and spent the morning in the Houses of Parliament, learning about democracy and watching debates in action. In the afternoon, they enjoyed a river trip along the Thames followed by a visit to the Natural History Museum. 



Other visits include Reception’s trip to Stratford-Upon Avon (including a trip on the river);
Year 2 to Twycross Zoo to support their learning about different animals; Year 4 to
Dudley Castle to learn about crime and punishment and Nursery’s visit to Umberslade Farm.



We were extremely proud of all 53 pupils who took LAMDA speech examinations in May. In July we received their result – every pupil had passed with a merit or distinction! What an amazing achievement. Well done, everyone!

Year 2 pupils staged a wonderful ‘Move on Up’ Concert at the end of the summer term, suitably titled ‘The Wizard of NOS’. This was followed the following day by our Year 6’s Leavers’ Concert. Well done to all pupils involved in these excellent and entertaining performances.


Congratulations to all 50 pupils who successfully completed the Year 6 Rotary Community Award.  The pupils were represented with their certificates and medals in a presentation ceremony at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall in July. This award, similar in design to the Duke of Edinburgh Award includes elements of community service, skill development and learning about different aspects of our community including democracy, different faiths and celebrations.


Unfortunately, the weather was against us and despite several attempts we were unable to have an Infant Sports Day this year. However, our Junior and Nursery Sports Days were a big success. Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to all the parents who came along to support. The overall winning house was Ash. A huge thank you to our Sports Leaders who helped to organise the events and were great ambassadors for sport and for our school.

We were very proud of our Year 2 and Year 6 pupils who worked so hard for their SATs assessments. We were delighted that our results were above national for ‘Age-related’ in all subjects. Well done, everyone!

Our School newspaper team worked extremely hard to create, publish and sell copies of our school newspaper, New Oscott News. The issue included interviews with Mrs Walklett, Mr Wood and Miss McKiernan. Our editorial team is made up of pupils from Years 2 to 6, supported by Miss Coleman. We are already looking forward to our Autumn Term issue!

Our Junior choir performed with the Staffordshire Band at Streetly Academy in July. This was a wonderful summer concert; the standard of singing was extremely high and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

It was very exciting to welcome Olympic athlete, Non Stanford (Triathlete) and

Paralympic athlete, Dean Miller, to spend the day with us in school in the summer term. They were such an inspiration and we were all very excited to cheer them on in Rio.


What an amazing day we had in June to celebrate HRH Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday.
We all dressed in red, white and blue and enjoyed a Royal picnic on long trestle tables in the playground. Every pup and member of staff was present to enjoy the picnic and sing the National Anthem. The afternoon ended with a procession around the field in the sunshine. A day to remember!



In our final assembly of the year we congratulated all 135 pupils with 100% attendance, including Katie in Year 6 who did not miss a single day during her whole time at New Oscott Primary school from Reception to Year 6. Mr Holmes congratulated everyone on the 4000 Mathletics certificates awarded over the year and Mrs Walklett set a challenge to all pupils to try and beat the record 144 pupils who achieved last year’s Summer Reading Challenge at our local libraries.

Finally, we said goodbye to our amazing Year 6 pupils and wished them every success and happiness in their new secondary schools. Thank you everyone for all you brought to our school. We will miss you!