School Meals

At New Oscott, children can either eat a school meal or eat their own packed lunch.  Regardless of whether the eating dinners or sandwiches, Lunchtime is a chance for all children to go into the school hall to have their dinner.

From 1st September 2014, all pupils in Reception to Year 2 are entitled to a Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM).


From 18th April 2022, the cost of school meals will be £2.25 per day with our new meals provider, Dolce.

Although meals are free for Infant pupils, ALL dinners MUST be pre-ordered by parents on their School Grid account, before 8.55a.m. and can be pre-ordered for the whole half term in advance.
Parents can email - or phone customer care on
01942 707709.


School Dinners

School dinners are prepared on site and are served in each of the school halls and menus are provided on a three week rotation.  This allows the children to experience a range of foods.  For each day, there is a variety of food that the children can choose from.  Each day consists of a three part meal.  Please click on the link below to explore the school menus. 

 Summer 2022 menu  


All pupils in Reception eat a school meal for the first half term. However Reception pupils can bring sandwiches from October half term.  In the Infant Hall, children who eat sandwiches sit separately from children who have a school dinner. However, in The Junior Hall, children who bring sandwiches may eat alongside children who are eating dinners as there is more space to accommodate lunchboxes on the tables.  The chidlren sit in groups and are encouraged to get to know the children around them.  When the weather is warm, Junior children often choose to sit in the quad area, next to the hall, and eat their sandwiches on the picnic benches.  Here's hoping for warm weather all Summer.


Golden Table

In the Infant and Junior department, children are chosen by the lunchtime supervisors to eat their dinner on 'The Golden Table'.  This is a special table with a table cloth and flowers. Pupils who are chosen to eat on the 'Golden Table' can go to dinner before their sitting, and they can also choose a friend to join them.  There are lots of reasons why children are chosen to sit on 'Golden Table', ranging from excellent manners, good behaviour inside the hall, being helpful to a friend or how they engage in play on the playground (including friends in their games etc).