

New Oscott Primary School has shared, core values which underpin the ethos of our school and impact on the way we teach R.E. We value all our pupils as the unique individuals they are and endeavour to celebrate them through RE experiences, including collective worship, assemblies and special, themed days. We want our children to gain a wider knowledge of the world; to understand something about different communities and faiths; to respect differences and to be able to reflect on their own beliefs on life, religious or otherwise. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and we feel it is essential that our children learn about the diversity of the world around them.


As a Birmingham school, we are required to follow the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus. In order to enhance this, we have recently invested a scheme of work that meets the needs of our children. This is called Discovery R.E. We have ensured that this scheme covers all aspects of the Birmingham Syllabus, as well as promoting SMSC, British Values, Anti-radicalisation and Growth Mindset. Discovery R.E is child led and it provides lots of contexts and resources for teachers, as well as providing structure, sequence and progression. Formative assessment is built in to lessons to guide next steps and inform planning. It allows opportunities for the children to ask deep questions, create links across other curriculum areas and build upon key concepts and skills. R.E in school is enhanced by a robust assembly rota, interesting visitors and many religious artefacts and resources. 


At New Oscott Primary School, we believe that having knowledge and understanding of the wider world is a fundamental aim for all our pupils which will enable them to move on the next stage of education equipped to understand and respect the experiences of others. 

Find out more about our Intent, Implementation and Impact for our Science Curriculum in our Curriculum Expectations.

R.E. Curriculm Expectations

What does RE look like at New Oscott Primary School?


Discovery RE

From September 2022, New Oscott Primary School will be following Discovery RE. This scheme of work is enquiry-based which advocates the holistic study on one religion/belief system at a time to avoid confusion. Throughout their time at New Oscott Primary School, the children will begin to identify similarities and draw comparisons between different faiths. Through a four step, enquiry based approach, the children will draw upon their own experiences, as well as being given the opportunity to understand and respect the experiences of others, challenge ideas about religion and recognise intolerance.

Through investigation style lessons, the children will discuss different values and ideas to lead the learning from the initial enquiry. Each module is based on a question pertinent to the religion being studied. The children then use their own experiences to help them understand how and why different beliefs are followed. This allows the children to identify with differing ideas based on their own lives, making it more accessible and relevant to them.

For each year group, there are six enquiry modules based on the six principle religions. Christianity is taught as two of these units each year with the others varying slightly from year to year. This builds up a good understanding of all the different religions over the years in a progressive way.