
Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish) at New Oscott Primary School


At New Oscott Primary School we aim to ensure that all Spanish lessons follow our 6 key principles: Honesty, Appreciation, Respect, Cooperation, Kindness and Determination.

Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.  National Curriculum

We aim to engage pupils with a relevant, exciting and challenging language curriculum which inspires curiosity and is appropriate for preparing them for an adult life in the 21st century. Children will develop linguistic skills, build and consolidate language knowledge and vocabulary and learn about other cultures.  Children will express their ideas and thoughts in Spanish both in speech and in writing. They will have opportunities to communicate for practical purposes and learn new ways of thinking. This approach will ensure children commit their learning to their long term memory and provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping our children with the skills to study and work in other countries.

We provide exciting and stimulating differentiated lessons that are inclusive and actively teach language - creating resilient and determined young ‘Linguists’.

We use quality practical resources that are purposeful and relevant.  Children are exposed to a wide range of resources and inspired to ask questions which promote independent learning. They are encouraged to use prior learning to develop their understanding of the language.  Children work together cooperatively to explore the language and practice oral language skills.

The pupils at New Oscott Primary School can appreciate and respect traditions and cultures of a variety of Spanish speaking countries. At our school we ensure that all pupils can engage with language learning and develop as young linguists irrespective of their race, cultural background or gender.

During our lessons, the children are exposed to Spanish vocabulary in a progressive and ambitious manner: lessons involve clear and concise modelling of this vocabulary giving children the confidence to use the correct terminology in their work. Children are encouraged to use their growing vocabulary in other contexts such as answering the register or lining up.

By developing our own Spanish curriculum, children are constantly showing that they are ‘knowing more and remembering more’ through regular retrieval practise and building on prior knowledge.

A copy of the programmes of study for KS2 can be found below.

MFL Curriculum

Key MFL Principles at New Oscott Primary School

MFL Curriculum Expectations 2022

Our Curriculum

Click on the unit title to be taken to the knowledge organiser detailing key vocabulary and knowledge

In Y3 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Phonics, Greetings, Name and Age, Christmas, Numbers

Spring Easter, phonics, Classroom instructions, animals, colours

Summer Fruits, snacks, days of the week, café role play, The Hungry Caterpillar


In Y4 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Numbers, dates, months, seasons, exclamations

Spring Shapes, colours, body parts

Summer Family, appearance, The Enormous Turnip


In Y5 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Time, food, Likes and Dislikes

Spring Sports, instructions

Summer Instruments, verbs, adjectives


 In Y6 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Flags, countries, Spain, Where I live, weather

Spring Festivals, poetry, describing places

Summer Revision of years 3-5 Units

Pupil Voice

Thomas Year 6

We learn Spanish so if we ended up in another country we understand their traditions and can speak their language.

Jacob Year 4

We learn Spanish so we can confidently speak another language.

Freya Year 5

I like learning Spanish because I know it could help me in my life. If we go to Spain or meet Spanish speaking people we can understand and help them.

Rebecca Year 6

We learn Spanish because it is quite handy to learn another language if you go on holiday. 

Extra-Curricular Opportunities


Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish) at New Oscott Primary School


At New Oscott Primary School we aim to ensure that all Spanish lessons follow our 6 key principles: Honesty, Appreciation, Respect, Cooperation, Kindness and Determination.

Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.  National Curriculum

We aim to engage pupils with a relevant, exciting and challenging language curriculum which inspires curiosity and is appropriate for preparing them for an adult life in the 21st century. Children will develop linguistic skills, build and consolidate language knowledge and vocabulary and learn about other cultures.  Children will express their ideas and thoughts in Spanish both in speech and in writing. They will have opportunities to communicate for practical purposes and learn new ways of thinking. This approach will ensure children commit their learning to their long term memory and provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping our children with the skills to study and work in other countries.

We provide exciting and stimulating differentiated lessons that are inclusive and actively teach language - creating resilient and determined young ‘Linguists’.

We use quality practical resources that are purposeful and relevant.  Children are exposed to a wide range of resources and inspired to ask questions which promote independent learning. They are encouraged to use prior learning to develop their understanding of the language.  Children work together cooperatively to explore the language and practice oral language skills.

The pupils at New Oscott Primary School can appreciate and respect traditions and cultures of a variety of Spanish speaking countries. At our school we ensure that all pupils can engage with language learning and develop as young linguists irrespective of their race, cultural background or gender.

During our lessons, the children are exposed to Spanish vocabulary in a progressive and ambitious manner: lessons involve clear and concise modelling of this vocabulary giving children the confidence to use the correct terminology in their work. Children are encouraged to use their growing vocabulary in other contexts such as answering the register or lining up.

By developing our own Spanish curriculum, children are constantly showing that they are ‘knowing more and remembering more’ through regular retrieval practise and building on prior knowledge.

A copy of the programmes of study for KS2 can be found below.

MFL Curriculum

Key MFL Principles at New Oscott Primary School

MFL Curriculum Expectations 2022

Our Curriculum

Click on the unit title to be taken to the knowledge organiser detailing key vocabulary and knowledge

In Y3 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Phonics, Greetings, Name and Age, Christmas, Numbers

Spring Easter, phonics, Classroom instructions, animals, colours

Summer Fruits, snacks, days of the week, café role play, The Hungry Caterpillar


In Y4 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Numbers, dates, months, seasons, exclamations

Spring Shapes, colours, body parts

Summer Family, appearance, The Enormous Turnip


In Y5 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Time, food, Likes and Dislikes

Spring Sports, instructions

Summer Instruments, verbs, adjectives


 In Y6 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Flags, countries, Spain, Where I live, weather

Spring Festivals, poetry, describing places

Summer Revision of years 3-5 Units

Pupil Voice

Thomas Year 6

We learn Spanish so if we ended up in another country we understand their traditions and can speak their language.

Jacob Year 4

We learn Spanish so we can confidently speak another language.

Freya Year 5

I like learning Spanish because I know it could help me in my life. If we go to Spain or meet Spanish speaking people we can understand and help them.

Rebecca Year 6

We learn Spanish because it is quite handy to learn another language if you go on holiday. 

Extra-Curricular Opportunities


Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish) at New Oscott Primary School


At New Oscott Primary School we aim to ensure that all Spanish lessons follow our 6 key principles: Honesty, Appreciation, Respect, Cooperation, Kindness and Determination.

Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.  National Curriculum

We aim to engage pupils with a relevant, exciting and challenging language curriculum which inspires curiosity and is appropriate for preparing them for an adult life in the 21st century. Children will develop linguistic skills, build and consolidate language knowledge and vocabulary and learn about other cultures.  Children will express their ideas and thoughts in Spanish both in speech and in writing. They will have opportunities to communicate for practical purposes and learn new ways of thinking. This approach will ensure children commit their learning to their long term memory and provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping our children with the skills to study and work in other countries.

We provide exciting and stimulating differentiated lessons that are inclusive and actively teach language - creating resilient and determined young ‘Linguists’.

We use quality practical resources that are purposeful and relevant.  Children are exposed to a wide range of resources and inspired to ask questions which promote independent learning. They are encouraged to use prior learning to develop their understanding of the language.  Children work together cooperatively to explore the language and practice oral language skills.

The pupils at New Oscott Primary School can appreciate and respect traditions and cultures of a variety of Spanish speaking countries. At our school we ensure that all pupils can engage with language learning and develop as young linguists irrespective of their race, cultural background or gender.

During our lessons, the children are exposed to Spanish vocabulary in a progressive and ambitious manner: lessons involve clear and concise modelling of this vocabulary giving children the confidence to use the correct terminology in their work. Children are encouraged to use their growing vocabulary in other contexts such as answering the register or lining up.

By developing our own Spanish curriculum, children are constantly showing that they are ‘knowing more and remembering more’ through regular retrieval practise and building on prior knowledge.

A copy of the programmes of study for KS2 can be found below.

MFL Curriculum

Key MFL Principles at New Oscott Primary School

MFL Curriculum Expectations 2022

Our Curriculum

Click on the unit title to be taken to the knowledge organiser detailing key vocabulary and knowledge

In Y3 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Phonics, Greetings, Name and Age, Christmas, Numbers

Spring Easter, phonics, Classroom instructions, animals, colours

Summer Fruits, snacks, days of the week, café role play, The Hungry Caterpillar


In Y4 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Numbers, dates, months, seasons, exclamations

Spring Shapes, colours, body parts

Summer Family, appearance, The Enormous Turnip


In Y5 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Time, food, Likes and Dislikes

Spring Sports, instructions

Summer Instruments, verbs, adjectives


 In Y6 children increase vocabulary and practise reading, writing and speaking Spanish following thematic topics.

Autumn Flags, countries, Spain, Where I live, weather

Spring Festivals, poetry, describing places

Summer Revision of years 3-5 Units

Pupil Voice

Thomas Year 6

We learn Spanish so if we ended up in another country we understand their traditions and can speak their language.

Jacob Year 4

We learn Spanish so we can confidently speak another language.

Freya Year 5

I like learning Spanish because I know it could help me in my life. If we go to Spain or meet Spanish speaking people we can understand and help them.

Rebecca Year 6

We learn Spanish because it is quite handy to learn another language if you go on holiday. 

Extra-Curricular Opportunities