Sports Premium

How New Oscott will use the School Sport Funding:


1.     Individual CPD training:

We want to ensure that all staff are fully confident and competent to deliver high quality P.E.  To ensure this we have enabled the help of the Streetly Schools Partnership. For one afternoon a week, the Partnership provides qualified Secondary P.E. teachers to assist and support our teachers in the teaching of P.E.  Aspire Sports Physical Education Curriculum Support Program will be used within the School to help individual teachers improve their teaching of P.E.  We also have strong links with BMET College who support in PE lessons, by providing level 1 and 2 coaches on work experience.


2.     CPD Staff training:

We are ensuring that the school P.E. specialists stay in touch with the current developments and changes to P.E in schools, in order to share with the school in staff inset training.  This year we have:

  • Outstanding P.E. lesson training with Aspire sports
  • Matalan Sporting Promise
  • SEND Sports. Inclusion in PE

3.     A Rich and engaging Curriculum:

The School will be investing in interactive hardware, to be used in P.E. and school sport. This will allow children improved opportunities to assess and report on performances.

 4.    Assessment:

The school have identified the need to improve assessment tracking. We will invest in a more accurate and consistent assessment software that will enable us to assess the children for learning more effectively.

5.     Swimming:

It is vital that our children leave primary School being able to swim 25 metres. We will use some of the funding to support the PE curriculum and help pay for transport and swimming coaches at Wyndley Leisure Centre.

 6.     Extra Curricular:

Funding will be used to pay for free extra-curricular clubs. The School already has a varied Extra Curricular time table that includes clubs from external groups (Aston Villa Football Club, Birmingham Met College and Aspire Sports) from teachers and from young sports leaders. Our goal is to ensure that every child has the opportunity to take part in at least 3 hours of Physical Activity each week. Our free clubs will help ensure this.

 7.     School Links:

Through our investment with Wilson Stuart Sports Partnership and Streetly Schools Partnership, the School are given a range of sporting opportunities. We have been able to develop progressive links with other Schools in the area, in order to share resources and ideas.

8.     Travelling to School:

Through Bikeability and Bike North Birmingham Projects, we encourage our children to travel to school in more active ways. We have invested in a new cycle and Scooter rack on the school site and this year we will have an incentive in place, to encourage cyclists.


Please click on the link below to get a breakdown of sports premium spending:

Primary PE and Sport Premium 2016/2017

Sports Premium

How New Oscott will use the School Sport Funding:


1.     Individual CPD training:

We want to ensure that all staff are fully confident and competent to deliver high quality P.E.  To ensure this we have enabled the help of the Streetly Schools Partnership. For one afternoon a week, the Partnership provides qualified Secondary P.E. teachers to assist and support our teachers in the teaching of P.E.  Aspire Sports Physical Education Curriculum Support Program will be used within the School to help individual teachers improve their teaching of P.E.  We also have strong links with BMET College who support in PE lessons, by providing level 1 and 2 coaches on work experience.


2.     CPD Staff training:

We are ensuring that the school P.E. specialists stay in touch with the current developments and changes to P.E in schools, in order to share with the school in staff inset training.  This year we have:

  • Outstanding P.E. lesson training with Aspire sports
  • Matalan Sporting Promise
  • SEND Sports. Inclusion in PE

3.     A Rich and engaging Curriculum:

The School will be investing in interactive hardware, to be used in P.E. and school sport. This will allow children improved opportunities to assess and report on performances.

 4.    Assessment:

The school have identified the need to improve assessment tracking. We will invest in a more accurate and consistent assessment software that will enable us to assess the children for learning more effectively.

5.     Swimming:

It is vital that our children leave primary School being able to swim 25 metres. We will use some of the funding to support the PE curriculum and help pay for transport and swimming coaches at Wyndley Leisure Centre.

 6.     Extra Curricular:

Funding will be used to pay for free extra-curricular clubs. The School already has a varied Extra Curricular time table that includes clubs from external groups (Aston Villa Football Club, Birmingham Met College and Aspire Sports) from teachers and from young sports leaders. Our goal is to ensure that every child has the opportunity to take part in at least 3 hours of Physical Activity each week. Our free clubs will help ensure this.

 7.     School Links:

Through our investment with Wilson Stuart Sports Partnership and Streetly Schools Partnership, the School are given a range of sporting opportunities. We have been able to develop progressive links with other Schools in the area, in order to share resources and ideas.

8.     Travelling to School:

Through Bikeability and Bike North Birmingham Projects, we encourage our children to travel to school in more active ways. We have invested in a new cycle and Scooter rack on the school site and this year we will have an incentive in place, to encourage cyclists.


Please click on the link below to get a breakdown of sports premium spending:

Primary PE and Sport Premium 2016/2017

Sports Premium

How New Oscott will use the School Sport Funding:


1.     Individual CPD training:

We want to ensure that all staff are fully confident and competent to deliver high quality P.E.  To ensure this we have enabled the help of the Streetly Schools Partnership. For one afternoon a week, the Partnership provides qualified Secondary P.E. teachers to assist and support our teachers in the teaching of P.E.  Aspire Sports Physical Education Curriculum Support Program will be used within the School to help individual teachers improve their teaching of P.E.  We also have strong links with BMET College who support in PE lessons, by providing level 1 and 2 coaches on work experience.


2.     CPD Staff training:

We are ensuring that the school P.E. specialists stay in touch with the current developments and changes to P.E in schools, in order to share with the school in staff inset training.  This year we have:

  • Outstanding P.E. lesson training with Aspire sports
  • Matalan Sporting Promise
  • SEND Sports. Inclusion in PE

3.     A Rich and engaging Curriculum:

The School will be investing in interactive hardware, to be used in P.E. and school sport. This will allow children improved opportunities to assess and report on performances.

 4.    Assessment:

The school have identified the need to improve assessment tracking. We will invest in a more accurate and consistent assessment software that will enable us to assess the children for learning more effectively.

5.     Swimming:

It is vital that our children leave primary School being able to swim 25 metres. We will use some of the funding to support the PE curriculum and help pay for transport and swimming coaches at Wyndley Leisure Centre.

 6.     Extra Curricular:

Funding will be used to pay for free extra-curricular clubs. The School already has a varied Extra Curricular time table that includes clubs from external groups (Aston Villa Football Club, Birmingham Met College and Aspire Sports) from teachers and from young sports leaders. Our goal is to ensure that every child has the opportunity to take part in at least 3 hours of Physical Activity each week. Our free clubs will help ensure this.

 7.     School Links:

Through our investment with Wilson Stuart Sports Partnership and Streetly Schools Partnership, the School are given a range of sporting opportunities. We have been able to develop progressive links with other Schools in the area, in order to share resources and ideas.

8.     Travelling to School:

Through Bikeability and Bike North Birmingham Projects, we encourage our children to travel to school in more active ways. We have invested in a new cycle and Scooter rack on the school site and this year we will have an incentive in place, to encourage cyclists.


Please click on the link below to get a breakdown of sports premium spending:

Primary PE and Sport Premium 2016/2017