Dawn 'til Dusk


Dawn ‘til Dusk is our Before and After School Club for children who attend New Oscott Primary School and are in Years 3-6.



We aim to provide high quality care before and after school for all our children. We provide a secure and stimulating environment so that parents and carers are happy to leave their children in our care.

All staff will treat with respect the children in our care and their parents and guardians in a polite and courteous manner.

 In return we expect our staff to be spoken to in a polite and courteous manner at all times.



We expect a high standard of behaviour from the children who attend Dawn ‘til Dusk. The children are expected to follow the Dawn ‘til Dusk rules.


For further information please leave a message at our School Office on 0121-675-3658 and one of our Managers to return your call.